Sunday, June 24, 2012

Coconut Thai Curry Noodle Soup

Soup on a hot day!  I know. It is 93 degrees here in Atlanta and I am making  soup.  I have to confess that I am a soup fanatic! Fall and winter can never come fast enough for me.  Not only are fall clothes the best looking, but food during the fall and winter seasons are also hard to beat.

This soup is one that I make all the time.  There is the base recipe for the broth and the rest of the ingredients are just whatever you want to throw in.  Make it your own.  The soup made in this post uses ingredients I already have in my pantry.  I love Asian food and always keep these ingredients on hand.

Ingredients for the broth base: 2 cups of chicken or vegetable broth
                                                   14-ounce can of coconut milk (light version can be used if desired)
                                                   1 tablespoon of curry powder. or paste
                                                   Any noodles you desire (however much you want)

I was out of udon noodles, which is usually used in this recipe, and substituted whole grain linguine in it's place.  If you really want to get authentic, fresh ramen noodles can be bought from any local Asian store.  The red curry is used instead of the golden as it adds more heat to the dish.  Curry paste is more preferable to me, but there was not enough paste left in the jar so powder was used.

I also included a picture of the curry paste:

Other ingredients in this dish: mushrooms, scallions, thinly sliced cabbage, shrimp and bean sprouts (another name for them is mung beans).  I did not measure any of these nor the noodles. Just throw in as much as you like. (Not pictured)

1. Put broth, coconut milk, curry, cabbage and mushrooms in a pot and bring to a boil.  Note: make sure that after you add the broth, milk and curry that you whisk it smooth before adding the other ingredients. Do not want any clumps of curry in your soup.

2. Once boiling turn down to a simmer and add noodles.  Let noodles cook for about 5 minutes.  Then add shrimp to mixture and cook about 3 more minutes. You can add the bean sprouts depending on how crunchy you like them at the beginning of the recipe or 5 minutes before it is done for more crunchiness.

Note: Since linguine was used the noodles have to cook longer than if you used ramen or udon which would cook quicker. I also half my noodles before cooking them so they are shorter in length.

3. Once done pour into soup bowls and serve!

Some variations I have used before are adding cilantro as a garnish, adding 1/2 tablespoon of Asian chili paste, shredded carrots, snap peas and squeezing lime into the soup.  Use whatever ingredients you want to make it appealing to the senses. I have made a vegetarian/vegan version by using just vegetable broth and taking out the shrimp!  The possiblities are endless.

Note:  Curry is very good for the digestive system.  Curry also contains the herb turmeric which is thought to help fight cancer.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Portabella Spinach Bake

Mushrooms never get enough love.  It is the one vegetable that I find so many people either like or don't.  Or, they like them cooked or cold on a salad.  There is no in between on this subject.  I have yet to find many like myself who love mushrooms regardless of how they are cooked or what they are served with!

This recipe is one I started making light years ago when I first started living on my own.  It can be cheap and easy to make in a snap.  Very tasty too.  I have seen it made on some Italian cooking shows and every version are similar in ingredients.

The original recipe called for a slice of mozzarella to go on each mushroom, but I prefer to grate my cheese or buy grated cheese.  In this recipe I used the Publix brand six cheese Italian blend and it works well.  I have also used just a mixture of parmesan and mozzarella.  Just go with whatever works for you.  This recipe has no measurements and it can be changed up however to fit one's taste.

Ingredients: Marinara or any pasta sauce (I used publix brand)
                   Portabella Mushrooms
                   Mixture of any Italian cheeses (I used publix brand)
                   Red Pepper
                   Fresh Spinach (chopped)
                   Pepper and Salt to taste

Step 1:  Preheat oven to 375.  To clean the mushrooms just take a damp paper towel or rag and gently rub the mushrooms. You never want to rinse mushrooms directly for they will absorb the water. I like to spoon out the dark little gills as I call them.  Or just leave them in for a more meatier texture. It is best to take the stem out. The stem is very woodsy and does not taste good.

 In a glass baking dish pour a thin layer of the marinara sauce and spread.I also put a think layer of cheese.   Then place mushrooms cap side down in dish. Sprinkle with pepper and salt.  Put chopped spinach in mushroom cap.

Note: I usually use my own homemade marinara for this dish as it is thicker than store bought brand and is not as runny in the end. If you use store bought be sure to season it up a little to your taste. 

Step 2: Put cheese on top of spinach and then add a thin ring of red pepper.  Sometimes I will also add a spoonful of the sauce on top of the mushroom before baking.

Step 3: Cover with foil and bake for up to 45 minutes depending  on your oven.  Baking this dish covered with foil allows steam to help cook and soften the mushrooms.

The last five minutes I take the foil off and add a little more cheese to melt on top. 


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Black Bean Lasagna Rolls

Lasagna is my favorite meal.  I could it eat it breakfast, lunch or dinner! There is never a bad time to eat lasagna.  I have made different lasagna recipes many different ways. I really never match up to my mom's version or my dear friend Christy's lasagna, but I have found a few recipes that satisfy me and my dinner guests when served. With this recipe I am going against a most ardent belief.  That is making lasagna healthy! Now before we all gasp in disbelief, I will say that lasagna should NEVER be made with fat-free cheese.  NEVER.  That is just culinary blasphemy!

In this recipe reduced-fat Monterey Jack cheese is used as also part-skim ricotta cheese. And it turned out delicious.  It took me a while to come around to using reduced-fat cheese in lasagna, but after giving it a try and finding that there is still flavor, I am satisfied that every now and then a little reduced-fat cheese will not hurt.  But it should not be used on a regular basis!

This recipe is a vegetarian lasagna. I have many vegetarian friends and for the most part, I eat vegetarian.
After many attempts at making this recipe I have come up with a version that is like.  As always, you can tweak it to fit your tastes.  It is an inexpensive meal to make and one that can be changed up with many different ingredients.

Some of the pics did not turn out well so there are only the finished product,  but the instructions are detailed and are easy.

Ingredients:  8 ounces of uncooked lasagna noodles (I used 100% whole wheat )
                   1 cup of shredded reduced-fat Monterey Jack cheese/and a little extra for topping
                   1 (15-ounce) carton of part-skim ricotta cheese
                   1 (4.5 - ounce) can chopped green chilies, drained
                   1/2 teaspoon chili powder
                   1/2 teaspoon cumin
                   1/8 teaspoon of salt
                   2 cups drained canned black beans (you can buy no-salt or just rinse the regular ones)
                   1 (15 1/2 ounce) jar of no-salt added salsa (or just use the homemade salsa in my
                   previous post)
                   Fresh cilantro (as much to taste)
                   Cooking spray

Preheat oven to 350.

Cook the lasagna noodles according to the directions and under cook by a minute or so.

While the noodles are cooking combine the cheeses, green chilies, chili powder, cumin, cilantro (as much as you like) and salt in a bowl.  Note: I add just a tablespoon of salsa in the mixture.  Also it is best to let the ricotta sit out and come to room temp before this step so it is easier to stir.

Once  noodles are cooked and cool to the touch, lay each noodle out and spread cheese mixture over 1 side of each noodle. Then spoon black beans over the cheese mixture.  Roll up noodle like a jelly-roll.

Place lasagna rolls, seam side down, in an 11 x 7 inch baking dish coated with cooking spray. I lightly coat the lasagna rolls with salsa and some cheese.  Cover will foil and bake for 25 minutes or until thoroughly heated.

Optional: When serving, spoon salsa evenly over rolls and garnish with extra cilantro.
